Who We Are
We operate entirely by the grace of God and the generous support of dedicated volunteers and members throughout Oxford County who oppose the termination of lives by abortion, doctor-assisted suicide and euthanasia.
Every human life has value, purpose and meaning.
What We Do
As an organization, we educate the community about protecting the unborn and those who suffer from terminal illness or disability.
The right to life is the most fundamental of all human rights. It is therefore our mission to proclaim the truth about the intrinsic value of every human life no matter what the age, situation, or level of development and promote the need to respect and protect all human life from conception to natural death. When the lives of the vulnerable are sincerely valued and protected by our nation, only then can we claim to be a society that is compassionate and loving.
We participate in a number of national annual pro-life events and strive to accomplish our mission locally via different events, activities and media.*
Watch for upcoming events and join us in affirming the right to life!
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