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50th Anniversary Dinner
Our 50th Anniversary Dinner promises to be an evening of inspiration, connection and meaningful impact. Join us for a walk down memory lane with a delicious meal and an engaging guest speaker.
Our guest speaker is Teresa Hartnett, whose excellent interpersonal and communication skills have allowed her to work effectively with a number of groups and people to promote the values of faith, respect for life and dignity for all.
Teresa is Director of Family Ministry for the Diocese of Hamilton since 2003, Executive Director of Birthright Pregnancy Service in Hamilton since 1988 and Executive Director of Project Rachel in Hamilton, which she implemented in 2004 to offer counselling and support to those suffering due to an abortion. She is also Professor at St. Peter's Seminary in London and author of Nighttime Devotional for Teen Girls, a book designed to assist teens navigate life using their faith as a foundational tool. Teresa believes her most important role, however, is in her family as a wife of Joe, mother to her four children and grandmother to eight beautiful grandchildren!
As you can imagine, Teresa undertakes numerous speaking engagements across Ontario and Canada each year, and so, we are both thrilled and honoured to be able to have her speak at our 50th Anniversary Dinner. We look forward to her presentation, "Life - Sacred and Precious".
Your attendance and generous support will help make this a successful fundraising event and empower Oxford County Right to Life into the next season of pro-life education with financial confidence.
Together, we can help build a future where every life is respected and protected from conception to natural death.
Thank you for supporting our mission. We look forward to seeing you!